volume 11 wrap

We have finished posting volume 11 poems! At the end of October, we did a round-up of volume 11 poems published thus far; here are the authors and poems we’ve presented since then. The links will take you directly to each poem’s PDF, and after each poem you’ll find information about the source material as well as the poet’s process statement.

Pamela Hobart Carter, Perfect, A Way, Began, and Memory is Unlimited

Colleen Coyne, Memento Mori

Kate Falvey, Anomalistics Aggregate

Jennifer Hernandez, Line as Language

David O. Hutcheson-Tipton, Form/s from Line/s

Janina Aza Karpinska, Despised and Rejected, Echo Returns and The Poetics of Site and Sight

Jai Michelle Louissen, Reliquary

Diane LeBlanc, Decorative Treatment of Birds, Organic Lines, and One of the Damned

Jackie McClure, Having Been Sown and A Bequest

Olivia Mettler, The Whiteness of —

Shloka Shankar, The Boundary of Structure

Sarah Cummins Small, What My Mother Left Out of the Story

Ali Znaidi, An Outcry

A free downloadable PDF of volume 11 will be available later this year. For now, we hope you’ll browse the poems and check out the call for volume 12 submissions.