“Skin as Translation”


Click here to read “Skin as Translation” by Amy Ash and Callista Buchen.

Amy Ash received a PhD in literature and creative writing from the University of Kansas and is the author of Acme Book of Love (Main Street Rag 2014) and The Open Mouth of the Vase (Cider Press Review 2015). Her writing has also been published in Mid-American Review, Prick of the Spindle, and 100 Word Story.

Callista Buchen is a PhD candidate at the University of Kansas and is the author of The Bloody Planet (forthcoming from Black Lawrence Press) and Double-Mouthed (forthcoming from dancing girl press). Her work has appeared in Arsenic Lobster, Blue Mesa Review, and DIAGRAM.

Other collaborations by Amy Ash and Callista Buchen have been published in BOAAT, Spiral Orb, and Stone Highway Review. Both poets live in Lawrence, Kansas.