a gathering of links 5
Sunday, 28 September 2014
Our last installment (for now) of links sent to us by Heron Tree poets. We invite you to revisit their poems at Heron Tree and click to find out more about their work elsewhere.
Michael Levan (“Hand on Hip, She Turns from Her Father and Brother Fishing“) writes monthly reviews for American Microreviews, and his September review looks at Ghost Gear by Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum. Michael’s “Poet’s Guide to the Foucault Pendulum” appeared in the summer issue of the Indiana Review, which is available for purchase.
Corinna McClanahan Schroeder (“Holding“) has a poem entitled “Exposure Time” in Michigan Quarterly Review‘s spring 2014 issue, which can be ordered here. Two of Corinna’s poems set in Victorian England—“Matchgirl, East End” and “Domestic Sphere”—were published in the winter 2014 issue of Western Humanities Review.
Sarah Ann Winn (“Cranesbill“) sent us a link to her “Our Lady of the Highways” at Lunch Ticket. Sundress Publications will be releasing Sarah’s chapbook Portage this winter, and they have published Sarah’s work in their journal Stirring a number of times, most recently “Ode to the Pull-off on the I-95 Between Havre de Grace and Exit 4B” in August.
Kristin Berger (“Walking the Wrack Line“) has two poems—“Sonder, In Reverse” and “Scorpion Weed”—in the August issue of MiPOesias. Two more of her poems—“Viewshed—Highway 18 Lincoln City to Portland” and “Rising Sea Levels”—appear in Written River‘s summer issue.
Drew Cook (“bridge jumping“) had two poems published in the inaugural issue of Bear Review: “snow blind” and “the only love poem you will ever need.”
Molly Spencer (“At Forty I Remember Her,” “Collage,” and “Aubade with Transverse Orientation“) was interviewed by Writers@Work after some of her poems won the fellowship prize for their summer conference. Her winning poems will be published this fall in Quarterly West.
Christine Swint (“Swimming Stockbridge Bowl“) offers us “After Dark Llorona,” published in Devilfish Review, and “Story of Faults Concealed,” which is included in Out of Sequence: The Sonnets Revisited.
Michael Dwayne Smith (“Walking Half Moon Canyon“) received a Best of the Net nomination for “Look, Love” at WhiskeyPaper. His “No Chaos, Damn It” was recently published as part of Silver Birch Press’ series of found poems based on celebrity interviews.