on summer’s cusp

As we take a break from posting a new poem this week, we invite to you read or re-read the volume 10 poems we’ve published so far this year:

Poems created from the Complete Herbal by Nicholas Culpeper (1653)

Pamela Hobart Carter, “Marvel

M. E. Goelzer, “A Remedy for Heartache

Jennifer Hernandez, “Of Medicines appropriated to the heart

Michelle Lynch, “Under the Black Alder

Deborah Purdy, “At the Approach of Winter

Poems created from other pre-1928 materials

Deborah-Zenha Adams, “it was the last summer

Erica Meraz, “So As To Taste Sleep

Lynn Pattison, “Unfortunate Mottos, an erasure poem

Maggie Rosen, “Obituary of Harriet Williams, Consort of Abraham T. Williams, January 12, 1844