[Ariel echo of Prospero]


Karen Greenbaum-Maya’s poem begins:  “Ariel      echo of Prospero.” Click here to read the rest of the poem.

Karen Greenbaum-Maya, retired clinical psychologist, German major, Pushcart nominee, and occasional photographer, no longer lives for Art, but still thinks about it a lot. Poems appeared recently in Women’s Studies QuarterlyBohemiaThe Mom EggRiverLitB O D Y, and qarrtsiluni. In August 2013 she will be a featured poet in Unshod Quills. “Eggs Satori” has been selected for Black Lawrence’s forthcoming anthology, FEASTCentrifugal Eye recently featured her mini-chapbook, Floating Route. Kattywompus Press just released Burrowing Song, a collection of prose poems. For links to works online visit her blog, Clouds Like Mountains.